May 26th, 2012 by Lior
For a long time now I’ve been meaning to upgrade from a point and shoot camera to a DSLR in my goals to learn to take more professional-looking photos with a larger variety of advanced settings and options to get creative with and play with.
I was researching which DSLR cameras received good reviews on and came across this:

A pink DSLR! Or more specifically a Sony NEXC3 Hot Pink Digital SLR Camera.
The reviews for it were really impressive: out of 41 reviewers, 33 gave it a score of 5/5!
This camera’s definitely going into my “finalist contenders” list in my search for a DSLR.
If you’re interested in a pink DSLR too, here are some specs and some of the points that impressed me in the reviews:
Sony NEXC3 Hot Pink DSLR Camera specs
Megapixels: 16.2
Zoom capability:
This pink DSLR’s interchangeable lens (one of the features I’m more excited about with a DSLR) enables you to choose zoom capabilities of your choice. It comes with a fixed 16mm lens, but there is also a 18-55mm zoom lens and you can always buy other lenses you can play with.
Picture quality:
One reviewer said: “you can take professional-grade pictures without having to be a profession”. Points that were made in the reviews highlighted great depth of field, rich colors, detailed backgrounds and shadows and fantastic photos even in low light conditions. On the whole this pink DSLR is said to capture high quality, professional-grade images. Browsing through the reviews it seemed a consistent comment that the image was sharp and photo quality was excellent.
Sensor size Large:
A large sensor enables light sensitivity that explains the excellent quality photos even in low light conditions.
Fast Auto Focus
Small size makes it easier to carry:
One reviewer said that with the small lens on it, it fits in your pocket, which sound convenient since one of the off-putting factors for me in the past with DSLRs was that they are so bulky to carry.
Multiple filters to play with
Video capability: 720/30p high definition
I also did spot this other pink DSLR on Amazon by Pentax (the Pentax K-X 16329 Digital SLR) although it has less megapixels (12.4 vs the Sony’s 16.2) and seemed to be an older camera with fewer reviews so I’m definitely leaning more towards the Sony.
Posted on September 7th, 2012 @ 22:04 | Taylor Brione said:
How pink is this camera? I was looking into buying this exact camera! I’m such a pink girl, so I want to make sure it actually looks pink and not dark purple or burgundy. I haven’t been able to tell from pictures! Lol
Taylor Brione
Posted on September 7th, 2012 @ 22:25 | Julia said:
I’ll let Lior answer you better about the pink DSLR, meanwhile, I can tell you that the Nikon One Pink is a very good choice, and it’s a Barbie pink! I want to get this one to myself, or maybe it in white, I’m in doubt! They both look very cute :)
Posted on September 7th, 2012 @ 23:10 | Lior said:
Hi Taylor, How pink something is, is a bit subjective but in my eyes I would say the Pink Sony NEXC3 DSLR Camera
is a darkish hot pink. Still pink although more subdued that a neon hot pink. What I would recommend is maybe for you to go to a local electronics shop and see if they have it in stock – check out the color, see if you like it. If the price is better on Amazon or where-ever – you can go home and buy it online after having seen it in person. Hope that helps :)