Best Smelling Hand Soap
May 25th, 2014 by Lior
Ok, so I know smell is a very subjective thing in terms of what a good smell is, but today I discovered what for me is one of the best smelling hand soaps I’ve ever smelled, and I wanted to share it with you!
The soap is called: “Rosewater Pure Natural Hand Soap” and it’s made by the brand Jason. The name sometimes varies since they occasionally change it when they alter the packaging, but it’s usually got “Rosewater” in the name.
(Link to product on : Link to product on
Why do I love it? I feel like it literally smells like the most beautifully smelling rose. It’s sweet, fresh, delicate and ladylike and just.. mmmm! heavenly!
Another reason I like this liquid hand soap is that it is made by a company that makes an effort to put good things in their products so that they will be better for your health and the environment. This handsoap for example doesn’t contain parabens and SLS, and isn’t tested on animals, which I think is great. And it cleans using natural antibacterials like grapefruit extract, and has natural moisturizing factors like wheat germ oil, which I also think is awesome.
The only minus is that the bottle it comes in isn’t as pretty as other bottles you can get. But you can always decant the liquid soap into a pretty soap dispenser. You can find some pretty kitchen or bathroom soap dispensers both on Amazon (.com or
) and lately Zazzle (.com or has also started making soap dispensers in a huge array of designs (I think currently it’s almost 50,000 different designs! And the number of designs is growing every day so it’s worth checking out if you’re on the look out for one.) Add the type of design you’re looking for in their search bar eg floral soap dispenser etc, to help you find exactly what you’re looking for. Below are some of my personal favorite Zazzle soap dispenser designs. You can click on the photos and it will take you to the corresponding product page on Zazzle:
Just wanted to share this with you! If you have any recommendations for other amazing smelling soaps, let me know in the comments below – I’d love to discover more great-smelling hand soaps. :)
Christmas soaps
December 12th, 2012 by Lior

As you put your Christmas decorations up, how about adding some Christmas spirit to your bathroom with Christmas soaps? You can get a range of cute Christmas themed soaps and bath bombs. Here are a few of my favorite designs: (more…)